
Tissue Tests

Mdxhealth’s Confirm mdx and GPS assays presented by Dr. Scott Sellinger*


Confirm mdx for Prostate Cancer

About Confirm mdx for Prostate Cancer

How Confirm mdx works

Wim Van Criekinge, PhD*, Professor of Computational Genomics and Bioinformatics at Ghent University in Ghent, Belgium, and Chief Scientific Officer for mdxhealth, discusses Confirm mdx, a test for prostate cancer that uses tissue from a negative biopsy.

Adam J. Cole MD, discuss the utility of Confirm mdx for Prostate Cancer

Genomic Prostate Score for Localized Prostate Cancer

How Genomic Prostate Score (GPS) Works

Follow Michael on his patient journey. From diagnosis with low risk localized prostate cancer to shared decision-making for treatment selection, utilizing the GPS test. GPS can help you identify the wolf in sheep’s clothing to ensure the genomic makeup of the cancer is taken into consideration.


Understanding the GPS Basics

In this short 10 minute video, Senior Medical Liaison Ericka Bagi BSN, RN explains the development of the GPS assay and how the test evaluates adverse outcomes to help make treatment decisions for patients with low to high-risk prostate cancer.


In this short 5 minute clip, Dr. Eric A. Klein, MD*, shares the value of Adverse Pathology as an endpoint. Adverse pathology, as defined by Genomic Prostate Score (formerly known as Oncotype Dx GPS), is the only test to predict long-term outcomes, 20+ years after surgery.


Andrew G Winer MD, FACS presents Active Surveillance vs Active Intervention 


Watch this Q&A with Dr. Tamara Lotan and Danai Wells to learn more about the value of Genomic Prostate Score with positive surgical margins at radical prostatectomy in prostate cancer patients.


Mdxhealth Precision Prostate Cancer Pathway

Dr. Neal Shore* presents a comprehensive overview of mdxhealth’s precision prostate cancer pathway. You will learn how Select mdx, Confirm mdx, and Genomic Prostate Score may help you minimize the challenges you face while identifying and diagnosing patients who are at risk for Prostate Cancer. He reviews how the diagnostics work, validation data, what to expect from a report, and a few case studies.


Dr. Winer* presents mdxhealth’s Prostate Cancer Portfolio Webinar.


Genetic Biomarkers You need to Know About

How to Best Diagnose Prostate Cancer

Genetic Prostate Biomarkers

Dr. Geovanni Espinosa*, Clinical Assistant Professor and holistic clinician in Urology at New York University Langone Medical Center discusses genetic prostate biomarkers in his March 2023 podcast, episode 53.


How to Best Diagnose Prostate Cancer

Dr. Geo Espinosa* interviews Dr. Andrew J. Stevenson, a board certified urologist and professor at Rush Medical College in Chicago.

Select mdx for Prostate Cancer

How Select mdx Works

1 in 8 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetime, but not all prostate cancer is aggressive or deadly, and early diagnosis is key. Select mdx fills the gap left by vague and inconsistent screening guidelines, to uncover a patient’s risk for clinically significant prostate cancer.  Learn how the Select mdx urine test can reveal your risk.


Jack A Schalken, PhD, and E. David Crawford, MD*, discuss recent advances in non invasive liquid biopsies for prostate cancer, and the impact of Select mdx.

AUA 2022 Best Poster: Select mdx and Multiparametric Magnetic Resonance Imaging Improve the Diagnostic Workup for the Detection of Prostate Cancer in Biopsy-naive Men

Resolve mdx for Urinary Tract Infection

Resolve mdx is an advanced UTI test that combines the precision of PCR pathogen identification and resistance gene detection with proprietary antibiotic susceptibility testing called ASTX to identify antibiotics best suited to resolve the infection. Results are delivered within 24-48 hours for prompt and accurate pathogen identification and personalized antibiotic recommendations.

Prostate Cancer Awareness Month Interview Series

Hear from expert urologist Dr. Rami Yaacoub* on how COVID-19 has affected his practice and how they’re adapting with telehealth.

Internationally renowned urologist Dr. E. David Crawford* explains how he uses the Select mdx for Prostate Cancer test and what a positive result can mean for diagnosis and treatment.

PyschArmor Institute Biomarker Test Education Series

Navigating the Prostate Cancer Journey (for Veterans and Their Caregivers).  The PsychArmor Institute partnered with Dr. Leonard Gomella* to explain why biomarker tests, such as Select mdx and Confirm mdx, are important to ask about while being cared for at the VA.


Demystifying Genomic Testing (for Urologists).  The PsychArmor Institute partnered with Dr. Leonard Gomella* to explain how VA urologists can use biomarker tests, such as Select mdx and Confirm mdx, to improve prostate cancer outcomes for Veterans.

New Genomic Solutions (for Pathologists).  The PsychArmor Institute partnered with Dr. Kirk Wojno* to explain how VA pathologists can use Confirm mdx results to provide more insight on a patient’s risk for aggressive prostate cancer.


*Paid advisor for mdxhealth